How to create Search Matrix in Google Analytics ?


Here you go through the details and then know that, how can you measure and track your SEO success. With the help of Google Analytics, you can easily track a complex matrix of your website.

1.   How to use Google Analytics to Track Matrix


Google Analytics is for tracking SEO growth by-weekly or monthly basis, and you can also keep an eye on the statistics of what is working and what is not. This analytics includes the various number of pages visited by the users or the bounce rate of a particular property, spent time on site, and click-through rate (CTR). These analytics will show a quick and perfect overview of particular pages/posts on your site that are performing well and why. You can also use the insights to revive old content — or create new content.

Google and Bing (Bing particularly appreciate the keyword efforts) whether Google likes new content. Google appreciates Your efforts in updating old content into unique and user-friendly content. Your Website is crawled frequently by Webmaster, so everyday content feed may make it best and preferred webmaster choice to improve your rankings.

Let’s start with connecting the Google Search Console to your Google Analytics account.

Once you connect your Google search console with your Google Analytics account here you go to find different metrics of your website.

      The sources from where are you receiving traffic.

      From where is your website viewing by the people.

      Track how many people are visiting your site regularly.

       How much time are they actually spending on your website?

       What search terms or quarries are using to find your website?

       Most popular pages of your website.

       The loading time of your website.

       Receiving traffic by various Devices.


When, you navigate to Acquisition--->Overview-->Search Console ---> You will get

       Landing Pages




Landing Pages- The Page where the user visited

Countries- From where the user from

Device- Visiting device

Quarries- Query typed in google search box


2. Track Your Rankings for Specific Keyword Phrase

Mainly our goal is to make Traffic so it can help you gain more traffic. Choosing the right keyword phrases for your page title and be sure to thoroughly answer the query and fulfill user intent is the quickest way to make that happen.

With the right keyword phrases, you will likely start ranking higher in Google for that particular search term. With other search-related terms also. Higher rankings may lead to more traffic. But sometimes it doesn’t. In order to know how your keyword research is paying off, or even how miserably it’s failing, you need to track your rankings.

To know your rankings for specific keywords or keyword phrases will determine. if you’re right on track if you need to do more work on the post to boost it higher. Then, it helps you to show prime opportunities for gaining more traffic from posts that are not already keyword optimized.

The fastest way to check your ranking for a specific keyword phrase in Google Analytics.


When you log onto your Google Analytics, navigate to Acquisitions -> Search Console -> Queries.

Set date according to your past work, it maybe 1 to 3 months or even 6 months too, to get actual growth.

The list will contain your highest traffic-earning keywords. You can track the average position for each of these keywords. If you are searching for a specific keyword just type it into the search bar and find it (just enter one word).

Every month, you carefully check and set specific keywords like the top 30 or top 20 keywords and note down whether the average position has increased or decreased. This helps you see where you need to make adjustments.

If you are not finding your long-tail keywords or specific keywords you can check them on another search engine like semrush , serankings or These tools also help you find specific phrases or long-tail keywords that you would like to track. Perfectly set those keywords as you want them to higher in the rankings.  

3. Find What % of Traffic is coming from Organic Search

Monthly check on traffic will show you, whether your organic traffic is increasing or decreasing. Then it is the best indication your overall SEO efforts are paying off or not. Identifying the weaknesses and strengths of your SEO activities may help you to pick a good ranking in a reasonable time.

To find out this information, login to your Google Analytics and navigate to Acquisitions -> All Traffic -> Channels.

Then, you will see each of the channels is receiving traffic from various sources and those are Organic, Social, Direct, Referral, and Other. So, if you are especially trying to increase your Organic search numbers you must check organic search. If you’re not in the expected place, you must work on adding more keywords and fulfilling user intent with your content. If you only have a little organic traffic, that’s okay- no problem, you have to start somewhere. You have to set a goal to increase it every month.


Comparison is the key to success so you need to compare data months over months to see the increment or decrease in your organic search traffic. if your traffic is increasing, it means your SEO efforts are paying off.

If you click into Organic Search, you’ll also have the chance to see your top ranking keywords, Traffic source, top landing pages, and many other options.


4. Track your Behavior Flow

The next step is Behavior Flow. It is also a monitoring method provided by Google Analytics. Maybe it looks different earlier but it is pretty interesting, some time for people it is difficult to understand, but if you spend some quality time in it, you will realize that it's a great tool by Google analytics.

Again login with your Google Analytics and navigate to Behavior -> Behavior Flow.

Behavior Flow is set to show many different aspects or views. By default, It is set for Landing Pages, but you may prefer to look at it by Source/medium, how it works you can check the above image. There you can check the flow starts with the source of traffic. Behavior Flow shows you how your users are interacting with your content and spend time on your website. It gives an overview of the problem where you need to focus exactly. Two things are very important to look at in Behavior Flow are the number of exits or drop-offs and the content funnel.

Drop Offs or the Bounce Rate-

Bounce rate is already displayed on your Analytics Main Page. And, when you see it in the Behavior Flow, you may think or get a new motivation to lower it.

Check the screenshot above. See the arrow pointing to the red bar? That red bar indicates drop-offs. You can also check the main green box on mouse hover and be able to get the clicks through traffic.

Your main goal is to lower the drop-offs. If a page has a high drop off rate, it may be because you haven’t included enough internal links, or the text used to introduce the internal links isn’t enticing enough. You’ll have to play around with a few options to find the best Call to Actions (CTAs) that works best for you. You’ll know you have a winner when the drop-offs decrease.


Content Funnel

The content funnel is just a path which users take through your site experience. It’s very important to keep people engaged on your site by enticing them to click from one post to another. This will lower your bounce rate and it is a good signal that your content is fabulous and deserves to rank well on Google.

This is a great way to find opportunities to improve your internal linking strategy and enhanced more click-through is to view the path of your posts. This will also help to show you exactly which pages users click to the next, all the way until they drop off.


5. Analyze Your Lowest Organic Traffic Earners

You actually, track your highest-earning posts to maintain your rankings, but if you really don’t look at your lowest organic traffic earners on a regular basis, then you can miss out on an opportunity to improve your entire site traffic. Which posts are low earners or bring little Organic Traffic. They are just like dead weight and may bring down the integrity and rank-ability of your entire site. Find out these low earners, you will need to check about what to do next with them. So, it is best to update them and turn them into high earners. But still, there is no progress just do the one thing delete them and redirect the URL to a related post or page.

There are two ways to determine your lowest earners. First, is to focus on ALL traffic, the Second, is to focus only on organic search traffic. If you’re just starting out with SEO, it’s quite possible that you don’t have a lot of ranking pages just yet. In this case, you will need to use ALL Website Traffic. If you have some good rank articles and SEO optimize posts you can focus on your organic search traffic.

When you find lower organic traffic earners from all of your content, log in to your Google Analytics navigate to Behavior -> Content -> All Pages. Want to monitor only organic search traffic, login to Acquisitions -> Search Console -> Landing Pages. And set a suitable period of time, such as 2, 4 or 6 months. Then check page by page search preference history according to your page rank. Then you will see, the list is likely a bunch of tags, categories, search pages, etc. Then you need to click forward until you find where posts start to show up in the list. check the screenshot below. There you can see higher to lower page traffic which indicates that the particular page brings in 1 click each through organic search per month.


6. Track Conversions

Conversions are the actions that your readers want from your site. These actions include clicking on your call-to-action, signing up for your newsletter, engaging with your social media buttons, etc. It’s great to have lots of people reading your content, but if they aren’t interacting at all (buying your services, clicking into links, joining your newsletter), you haven’t really captured them as a customer. It’s not always about making money, but without conversion, you cannot be successful.

Call to actions are important to conversions. They act as the cheese for the mouse. They entice readers to click through. Each one of your posts should have a CTA (or even a few). But it doesn’t stop there. Once you’ve added those important links, you need to track the conversions to make sure people are actually clicking the CTA. If they aren’t, you can make adjustments to the link, the box or button you’ve placed it in, or the text you’ve used to describe it. All of these things have an impact on conversions.


1.      To start tracking conversions, you can set up a goal in Google Analytics. Setting up a goal isn’t as straightforward as it may sound, but it’s not so difficult that you should avoid it. Here’s how to do it.

2.      Start by identifying the top 10 places where conversions matter the most on your site. This could be things like a sign-up box for your mailing list on your home page, a link to a product or download you sell on your site, a link to a “find out more” page, a video you want people to watch.

3.      Log in to your Google Analytics and navigate to Admin -> Goals. Then click New Goal.

4.      Click Custom -> Continue.

5.      Name your goal (something you’ll remember), leave the Goal slot as is, then click Destination -> Continue.

6.      If your tracking is a link (such as to another page on your site, a video, a PDF, etc), then add the link in the Equals to field. Click Save.


Now, You’ve set up your goal, you can see the results by clicking back to Home -> Conversions -> Goals -> Overview. You can choose which goal you want to check at the upper left corner dropdown. The results will show you how many times the destination link was clicked and where from. This will help you determine if your link placement is working or not. If there are lots of conversions, you’ve done something right. If still, you are getting there are no conversions, you need to make a change until you start seeing conversions taking place.

Final Thoughts

Using these simple ways to track and monitor your SEO success, you will always be ahead of the game and able to make the necessary changes that will ensure continued success. Knowledge is power. So keep monitoring SEO performance, it is a necessity if you want to succeed.

So we challenge you to stop ignoring your stats and to start monitoring and tracking your progress. Do this for just three to six months and you’ll find it easy to make it into a habit.

Go on, make traffic happen!



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